Notices & Announcements

07/09/2008 22:11

If you have any info that you would like to have posted here please send email -  Click HERE





Nick Haas sent the following email:


I am going to be ordering the ship’s logs but I need help with the cost which is 65 dollars per year requested. I would like to get the years 1963 thru 1967. Or if anyone has a year(s) they would like to have added please send me some email. I will pay for one year and if I can get someone to buy each year that will help. Let me know and if you can help or if you want a certain year(s). You can send me a check to Nick Haas, 3413 West El Paso St. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, 74012 or phone me at 918-250-0052 for more info. Thanks, Nick  Click HERE

I will be adding any comments to this here as needed, if you have comments be sure to email me using the link above.